Adding Google Fonts to a Website

Use Google Fonts to easily add attractive, contemporary fonts to a website.

There's just a few steps to the process:

Go to and select font families

Head over to and find the fonts you want to use. Click on the tile for your desired font. Then click + Select this style for each of the styles you want to use.

Copy link tags into your HTML file

Click on the button in the top, right corner. It's made of three squares and a plus sign. This is where your font list is kept.

Under the section titled Use on the web, copy the <link> tags, all three of them. Then go over to the HTML file where you want to use font, and paste the <link> tags into the <head> of the HTML, where you have the <title> and <meta> tags.

This makes the font available to the page.

Copy CSS rules into your CSS file

Back in the Use on the web section, beneath the tags, copy the CSS rule for the specific font family that you want to use for a particular class or id.